Invoices can be paid either by BACs, credit and debit card or cheque.


If you would like to pay by BACs and you need our bank details, please a copy of our company details below. 

If you have your invoice you can also pay via this link, you will need to replace "Insert Invoice number" with your invoice number. - INVOICE NUMBER


Direct Debit

If you'd like to pay via annual Direct Debit, please click here to send us your completed Direct Debit mandate form. We'll then send you a new invoice with the discount applied.

If you need a Direct Debit form to complete, you can download the copy at the bottom of this page.



Cheque payments

Due to the current situation and the restrictions around travel, we are working remotely.

As such we are only available to collect cheques once a week when possible.

Which means that there may be a short delay in this being cashed.

Address to send Cheques - Lytchett House, 13 Freeland Park, Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6FA




If you would like to talk to us directly, please select the 'Chat' or 'Support' button at the bottom of the page. We're available Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).

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