When registering for our services, users must agree to our terms of use, which explains that users must be employed by or on the governing body of the school they have entered during registration:
- The Key Leaders – Terms of use
- GovernorHub – Terms of use
- The Key Safeguarding - Terms of use
- The Key CPD – Terms of use
If you notice that someone is registered under your membership who shouldn't be, it may be because they entered their school's details incorrectly when registering with The Key.
Please see our guide on removing users from your schools membership:
How can I remove users from our account?
Alternatively, you may find that a user is still listed under your school's membership after they have left your school. To find out how to remove a user from your membership, click here.
If you would like to talk to us directly, please select the 'Chat' or 'Support' button at the bottom of the page. We're available Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).