Managing your schools account (for Key Leaders, Key Safeguarding and Key CPD)

To manage your schools account you need to have nominated at least 1 user to be an Organisation Administrator.  The user(s) that have this role have the ability to add and remove users, as well as upgrade existing users to Organisation Administrators and Training Administrators. 

Training Administrators have the ability to manage and view the eLearning courses across Key Safeguarding and Key CPD (if the school has a membership for these services). We recommend your Headteacher, DSL and any other DSL's are appointed as Training Admins. 


To see if you have either Administrator role for your school complete the following steps:

1) Log in to the website

2) In the top right hand corner, click on the down arrow next to your name and click on 'Manage your account'

3) Underneath your details you will be able to see 'My organisations', you will see your job title and underneath this will show your permissions. 

4) If there is a tick against either or both 'Organisation Admin' and/or 'Training Admin' then you have these permissions. If you do not have these permissions then you can request them by clicking on 'Request permission'

5) This request will go to your schools Organisation Administrator for them to approve.


Please note if your school does not have an Organisation Administrator please contact us on the details below and we can approve this for you, once we have conducted the necessary security checks. 

If you would like to talk to us directly, please select the 'Chat' or 'Support' button at the bottom of the page. We're available Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).

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